Welcome to “Living the certain way”
This is where the scientific formula is unveiled . Be sure to begin with learning this formula …
Welcome to Living The Certain Way!
I’m so happy you’re here! Throughout this membership you’ll find great content to help ensure you manifest what you deserve and desire. It all begins with the principles in the book Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, you can read the content below and or listen to the audios. You’ll find PDFS of book associated with each chapter below or you can download the entire workbook bundled here .
Before you go any further we highly recommend you take the time to read and or listen to each chapter while taking the time to let it soak in. You will be learning a proven system to create “anything” you want in life.

1. Download the PDF and/or play the Video below of Chapter 2
2. Be sure to write your abundance, gratitude, and evidence daily.
There are NO boundaries between what we seek and what is meant for us, except those we create with our THINKING. Keep this is mind as you read this Chapter on Opportunity.
Today we will be reading/listening to chapter 13 "Getting Into the Right Business" tune into your deepest desires of what FEELS like the right business for you.
Read this chapter to confirm your FAITH in living this certain way especially when appearances are not looking the way you want.
Today we will read/listen to chapter 17 and soak up all the principles as we read/listen to the summary of The Science of Getting Rich.