Science Of Getting Rich

My detachment email seems to have really struck a chord, which has inspired me to share more….

If you missed the quick confession email, check it out here.

As a recovering Achiever-holic, I used to be convinced that being productive involved physical work. Being led to “stop, BE, and detach” was quite liberating. However, a battle ensued as my ego tried to insist I was escaping my reality and being downright LAZY!
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love” [or need in the moment] Rumi
When I let myself be guided to do what was right for me, and detached from to-do’s, the following things happened.

1. Creating my desired outcomes increased exponentially. Every seemingly insignificant thing I thought of as a desire manifested (including getting a car when every car rental spot in SF was sold out).

2. The ooh la la peaceful state of mind was finally my constant feeling. Somewhere inside I knew with 100% certainty everything was being taken care of for me.

The truth, I remembered, is that “Nature is friendly to your plans. Everything is naturally for you. Make up your mind that this is true.” Chapter 5 the Science of Getting Rich

Imagine the nirvana of feeling completely aligned to your power, feeling at peace, and easily creating what you want…I hope you feel inspired to detach too.

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