Science Of Getting Rich

How To Expand Your Capacity to Receive

One question that people don’t often ask is, how to expand your capacity to receive. I mean… what does that even mean?


Stop what you’re doing right now. That’s right, this second. Put down your coffee cup, your pencil… stop typing. Stop everything. Now, think of 3 things you’d like to see happen in your life in the next month. Do you think they’re possible? Do you BELIEVE they can happen? I have a name for the list that I create with my top 3. My list is actually far longer than just 3 things, but we’ll start with baby steps. I refer to my list as my “manifested list.” It might sound odd to say it in past tense, but it’s very intentional – as are most things in my life. You see, when I look at my manifested list, I look on that list with gratitude because I BELIEVE it’s already happened for me.


For 4 years, I’ve been actively practicing the act of manifesting and still to this day, I catch myself not dreaming big enough or “doing it wrong” as it were. A few months ago, we began planning an event that would take place in January of this year. I created my manifested list and my desire was to fill the room with 300 people. This would more than double the size of the family that attended last year. Here’s where I went wrong (and I preach this to my group of manifestors all the time): My container to receive the 300 people was too small. I literally rented a room that, at maximum capacity, would only hold 200 people. For this reason, our family of manifestors use each other (as well as Diane and myself) for accountability. Your dreams can be as big as Texas, but if you come to the Universe with the state of Rhode Island…. You’re only going to receive Rhode Island. In the end, isn’t this about abundance? Go get your Texas and carry it around with you just waiting for it to be filled! So to answer the question above: How to expand your capacity to receive? You start expecting MORE!


Here’s the part where you pick your pen back up or you start typing again because here’s what I want you to do: I want you to start answering these questions. They all have to do with how you’re restricting your ability to receive what you want. Be honest with yourself when I ask you these questions:

What is blocking your success?

  • Are you afraid of success?
  • Are your thoughts limited about what’s possible?
  • Is your container big enough? (ie: Do you want 50 clients but your lifestyle only allows you to take on 20)
  • Are you showing up in a way that would manifest your desires? (ie, do you have your marketing collateral on point? How does your website look? Do you show up looking like a million bucks?)
  • What does your work and home look like? Are you aware that clutter represents what’s happening internally? Clutter literally blocks your capacity to receive.


There are 5 bullet points above. Pick just one of these and focus on it this week. Find a way to knock it off of your list. Do you know how to get new clients? Expect them! Make a new folder on your desktop and call it “new clients.” Do that each and every year. Look at that folder every day, expecting it to be filled to capacity by December. Take excess boxes and bags and head straight to that closet that has been filled with all the things you never look at and never use. Clear out the past to make way for your future! Buy yourself a new dress or a new suit. Make the room turn around next time you walk in. Place yourself in a group instead of working 1:1 and mostly: Change the way you think about and work on your success.

This week’s affirmation

Finally, here’s an affirmation for you to repeat to yourself as you go through your days this week: “I expand my capacity to receive.” The world is yours for the taking. The question is: Do you really want it?


**Tasha Chen has been dubbed the gateway to money. Her program takes the words of Wallace D. Wattles and brings them to life. There is no room for stagnation when it comes to growing your riches, be it financial or otherwise. Growth involves movement and thus, so does her program. If you’re interested Monday in starting your week off right with Supercharged Manifesting, join me here – it’s free!**