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I set the Intention to receive $10,000 during the 30 day study, on day 8 I received an UNEXPECTED raise that equaled that exact amount, a few days later my partner who I had been sharing the study with ALSO received an unexpected raise….NEITHER of us had met our Annual Sales Goals. Since then the evidence has continued to mount in ASTONISHING ways…SOGR WORKS! Faith |
IMMEDIATELY I experienced a shift in my thinking…within days snowbirds were calling for appointments—the EARLIEST they have arrived in over 10 years, also I was receiving calls for appointments from long lost clients that could ONLY be attributed to my doing this work and expanding my faith. I now have 100% confidence in completion of my dream home paid for in CASH with all the details I am imagining. Beverly |
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The evidence was unmistakable…an existing client approached me with an opportunity to earn unlimited commission AND sell a product I had been developing to a group of IDEAL clients i had been intending to attract.Just had a meeting with the President of a non-profit organization that I have chosen to help and may even sit on the board because they need someone from my generation that cares. Didn’t even realize until I gave her my card how many of my exact customers she is in contact with on a daily basis. She plans events so knows all the caterers in the area and told me she is going to send my card out to everyone she knows. Thank you !!!!!!Lisa |
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This program in the first 14 days alone, has allowed me to step out in faith in a LARGE way and the results have been astounding. I made a contact with someone willing to put me in front of 6 different large groups of potential clients. After months of me trying to connect, he was very willing to help however he could advance my goals. Christa |
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On day 6 I voiced my fears of stepping into my TRUE calling, on day 7 I met very powerful people in my field literally researching me and making the offer to guide and support and make a path for me to succeed and be mentored in endeavors to Minister into the Lives of Women. Tina |
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It is DAY 13 and I am living my desires…I got a call for my business and responding very professionally and with self confidence! The potential client replied “when can you start?” it took less than 15 minutes! … I am waking up the creativity to give a makeover to my business! LOVE LOVE LOVE listening to the Science of Getting Rich, so many confirmations…happening with each Chapter! It is AMAZING. Happy Dance ,Happy Dance Sandra |
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With only my Intention to BEGIN the program, I received unexpectedly the full payment on an invoice I only planned to receive 1/2 of, the miracles just continued from there. Each day I was shown a related passage in the bible to confirm for me the teachings on this program. I have been tracking my abundance and especially love knowing to be grateful for what I spend as it too is a SIGN of my current wealth Michelle |
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On day 2 I had the horrific experience of being mistreated at the Pain Clinic, doing this program however helped me see the blessing in this as it intensified my resolve to get off my pain medication and 1 week later (after years relying on pain reduction medication) I was down to only 1 medication and healing myself with Sound Healing …this a new business was launching and couldn’t think of a better testimony than my own healing. Barbara |
I have realized how my own attitude towards money and prosperity has been a block to its abundance in my life. I set my financials goals low in the beginning from a place of lack of belief, even so I am already well on the way to achieving them and recognize its okay to desire more and that I am powerful in creating wealth. Dawn |
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We have been living the abundant life while John is doing his recovery work from surgery. We went shopping in my favorite boutique and he selected a embroidered coat, black blazer with red multi colored embroidery and finally an orange jacket. He loved them all and insisted that I must have ….ALL OF THEM! Took a train ride yesterday through the canyon wearing my coat and all day long women were commenting on my coat.EVIDENCE of gratitude and abundance. Cecelia |
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Wow, This works fast. Saturday, Day 1, I received 3 potential deals. One after the other. I have to re-word one of my intentions! Jackie M. |
On day 2 $250 showed up out of no where! I am a book-keeper, I know where every NICKLE comes and goes….unexpected money NEVER happens in my world. It was immediate proof that The Science of Getting Rich works and now I am so excited! The best benefit to me is the RICHNESS in my HEALTH that I am feeling—I am so energized, and really shifting my mindset around what I considered health issues. Susan A. |
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Even before I officially started, the very night I got the book— MIRACLES started happening. It was unbelievable, after months of little or no revenue in my business clients were coming literally out of the woodwork, and money showing up from everywhere for me and my family! My evidence and abundance are too numerous to list here and that was just in the first 7 days. Rebecca B. |
One day not long after we started the program I specifically journaled a desire for my husband to get a pay increase at work, within the hour he called to “SUPRISE” me with news that he had just been told he was getting an unexpected raise. I then shared with him what I had written just a short time before. Cecilia K. |
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Yesterday I hit a positive wobble – a sign … that made me question my next steps on the current path. So I sat and asked for guidance. “What do I do now?” I got a clear message to go read… SOGR. I opened it and first line was “WHETHER YOU CHANGE YOUR VOCATION OR NOT, your actions for the present must be those pertaining to the business in which you are now engaged.” Thank you! Debra G. |
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I can see abundance all around me, I see many of the people close to me receiving…in fact even my husband got a promotion and Salary increase since we started. I am still working on being more specific in setting the intentions meant just for ME . Lori H. |
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The office I dreamed of having turned me down three times! Then in the 2nd week of SOGR called me and said please come back, we want you here, when I went to sign the lease at the PRICE I REQUESTED, they had lowered it even further by $200. I intended a month’s trip to Paris and a romantic partner. BY week 2 I met a French guy wanting to romance me. The riches are so amazing!! It is so clear there is richness in everything. Melaney S. |
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Last week I journaled and manifested closeness with my family and I got it. Learning to be specific; manifested being busy now I am manifesting and journaling [Real Estate] closings. Make your wants your reality by living them on paper! Just grateful and amazed at the abundance that is following me. Junette R. |
There have been many things, seemingly small to others but of great value to me, something I value highly is people sharing their time to help me or move forward a project I care deeply about at no charge. I have had many instances of this, and have come to look at every interaction as filled with possibilities. Something cute: A Random man sat beside me recently folded a dollar into a heart and gave it to me Debra R. |
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One day during my daily journaling I wrote at 9:25 a.m. that I would like to receive a call from a highly influential person asking me to get involved in something BIG. At 9:28 the phone rang with someone I think very highly of asking me to participate in something BIG, I have manifested so many opportunities and even a job paying $50 an hour after I just made a list one day of the skills I possessed, then attracted a job for one of the skills. Heather E. |
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I have been listening and doing my daily actions..I am so EXCITED! I feel like I am cloud 9.Tasha and Diane, I am sooo grateful for both of you. Your encouragement and unwavering support has gotten me to a place I never imagined! I am so excited for each day and for all the abundance coming into my life! I began my new career, started creating income for my previously FREE workshop, and now experience gratitude daily even for the simplest things! Laura B. |
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My highest commitment was to BE in the space of attracting from a “easy and relaxed manner”. I can see how the universe changed things around in my life so I got more of that and still got things done. I wanted to bond with my daughter and take her to a play, the next day someone offered me tickets to that play for free. Then there was the client who showed up and made the unusual payment of several sessions with me all at once. Jill |
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I have spent a few days with my sons and family in Dayton Ohio. I have been living away for 25+ years and many of those years were strained relationships. I have done a great deal of work to clear my mind of many non-beneficial thought patterns. SOGR has helped me significantly along that path. It has changed my life. I am manifesting love, joy, laughter and all the things I longed for. Forget evidence people! I have got what my heart desired! I am complete. I am grateful to this program. To Tasha Powell Chen amd Diane Shiels Bettencourt for helping me achieve my dreams.I thank you Tasha for insisting I take the SOGR class in January.I am grateful that my intention has been all along to heal relationships.And I am.Evidence?No.It is now here.I have attained my intention. I am whole and have cleaned up my relationships that matter the most.I will continue to work this but I thank you both for your efforts and time. I love you.I am grateful for both of you. Your student has (in my humble view) passed the final exam. Diana |
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Beginning of week 2-Lawyer called and was sending check for $5900 in mail that day – she had found money that the insurance company had kept. I have received over 110% of my value and life experiences and changes from this program. Although my ego, etc. at times wants to pull me back into my old way of thinking and ho-hum daily crap, I have stepped up and out, committing never to return. I am WOMAN hear me ROAR!!!! LOL BUT REALLY Thank you Diane and Tasha for all of your unselfish love and commitment you have for yourselves and us. I am truly grateful for you both in my life You both are such rich and wealthy blessings to us. Sending you both abundant love and butterfly kisses. Good night. Shelley |
This Spring I was tasked by my CEO to increase my number of project proposals to $400K. I was very stressed out and doubtful that I could make that happen this year. When I shared this with Tasha and Diane they reminded be to stay in a place of FAITH and GRATITUDE and let go and let God. My skeptical brain immediately thought ‘easy for you to say’ but Diane reminded me that I had to let God handle all things in my life, both the little things and the big things. They stresses stay in gratitude that what you want is already yours, just give thanks and don’t be tied to the outcome”. That is when it really clicked for me. I thanked God that only He can make the impossible, possible and I became focused on journaling my gratitude for new clients and increase in proposals. Well the evidence that SOGR works is that I was giving a talk at conference in NY and the woman who introduced me to the stage has since become a client to the tune of $140K. Another proposal I wrote for $55K is now a client and I have $45K plus other proposals pending. Good energy vibrations on full blast!!!! Profoundly Grateful!! FAITH K |
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WEEK 2 – got a call from someone to record her singing and got 10 song recorded!!Got a another job at SLIM…… and they are paying for her to do program for FREE and paying for her to get Laserlipo and she will get paid while doing it!!EVIDENCE!!!!!! Remember the job opportunity with the guy who works with Warren Buffet, has his own jet, and pays me 3.5x more than I was making??? I fly back to Florida, August 19th and have my final interview with them. It’s pretty much a for sure deal now. God is soooo good to me! He gave me over a month at home with my family and to sing etc before I had to fly back for work. God is so so so good. I’m very thankful for this class. If I would have lost my job before, I would have totally freaked, but although I had a tough week that one week, I really did journal and praise my way through it. I’m not the woman I was when I started this class…thank God! And thank you Tasha and Diane and all my sisters!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We are rich!!!!!!p.s. I’m still going to sing….I’m just doing this job till my tour starts!!! Jodi |
Woohoo! I just got a call and received $2000 in scholarship money for my son for camp which is half!Week 4 OMG all the people i have been asking to show up in my life for to help me grow my biz are just appearing out of nowhere.Day 2: had 6 potenital money making opportunities cross desk. Next week is my anniversary and since january all I’ve been saying is i want to to go away, plop myself on a beach and read for a couple of days but finances made this unlikely. Last night I asked again if we were gonna get away for our anniversary and my husband said doubtful. Well he doesn’t know the POWER of my thoughts. He just walked into the room and says to me I don’t know what you did last night but this morning I called the person who cuts the checks to ask about an impending payment i am owed and she said that it is coming but that yesterday she put in the mail a check for $2,000 for a retained search he just brought in( he’s a headhunter) Sooo unexpected! Never in the 12 years he has been with this company have they sent him a check before he filled the job. YES! I can smell the ocean and feel the ease of my life! grateful for this SOGR group too for giving me a new understanding, focus & faith. I have already reaped so many benefits. J Lebofsky |
EVIDENCE: So I’m talking to my client after her treatment I start telling her how I want to get more sound healing instruments and that’ the didgeridoo is an ancient sound healing instrument. I saw someone at the drum circle playing one and it is harder to play then I thought. She says oh you want one? I say I’d like to try one and it’s good to have in case someone can play it. she says I have one I got it in Sedona Arizona years ago I’ll give it to you. Evidence thank you ty ty God! Babs |
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Blessings overflow to you all! So many breakthroughs with my thinking and just being in the Vortex with the Super Hero Duo -Tasha and Diane last nite. It was amazing!Here’s my evidence of the day …the moment I withdrew come cash today… a customer called to say he lodged the money owed to the same account… it was a little over the same amount I withdrew Marsha |
Manifesting again .Trading treatments for house cleaning. new person called about group meeting them tomorrow night. A past client coming back for treatments. Said my treatments changed his life.Its was an amazing day. B Spaulding |
During the 30 Day Science of Getting Rich Program I won the lottery 3 times…I actually never play the LOTTO but believed this coincidence to be a sign of my prosperity to come. I enjoyed all the synchronistic occurrences as all the right people and opportunities literally came to me for several projects I had desired to work on for a long time. Daawud S |
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I have done the program 3 times now, it just keeps getting better! Lots of evidence! Also looked at the bank accounts and looked at REAL evidence of income! Attracting new clients every day, cranking out new products, having major shifts in Athletes as a result of my work! Joe P |
That was one area in my life where I was holding on to and worrying about and trying to fix on my own. And after our Friday meeting it was so clear- get rid of being attached to the outcomes and let God do His job!! Amazing!!! During the program I have manifested more $$$$$ and new business, achieved Director position with Legal Shield, attracted new Fortune 500 clients for my corporate job, and all in an EASY and relaxed manner I never before thought was possible. F James |
I am a long time student of personal development and positive thinking, however this program helped me really focus on a specific outcome whichI manifested within the 30 days. I closed a $4,000,000.00 commodities trade deal. I also really appreciated the opportunity to participate and share for 30 days with likeminded people, and to offer words of support and encouragement to others in the group. Derek W |
Evidence: 13 new coaching clients in under 5 hours. My sweetie just said he’s in love with me, my daughter reaches out every day with love and enthusiasm, friends circle me with love. I am blessed. Just saying….” Debbie |
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DAY 14: “My husband thought I was crazy when I set my intention to create $300,000 in 30 days, well this week I had a meeting that will generate $120,000 over the next year and several $3,000 or more deals for my business.” Karen M |
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“I am in total SHOCK about what has happened in my relationship with my 14 year old daughter, its beyond what I even IMAGINED was possible! I am overwhelmed by emotion right now, she has started talking to me again and saying she loves me, it is just incredible” Tonya M |
During this journey, I have attracted the ideal HIGHER paying and FLEXIBLE job just when i needed it, invited to be recorded on TBN for national viewing singing praises to God, created CDS and video of my music, and been asked by an Ambassador to the United Nations to create a SONG for the NATIONS! WOW! Just a few months ago, it never even occurred to me how to journal and set intentions. …I feel so rich…like a super star!!! Get ready world…. here I come!! So excited! Thank you God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J Eaglesham |
Awesome phone conference today ladies. So grateful to know where I am on the scale and make adjustments to have definite of purpose to where I am going.I am not settling for anything less than a ten.I am now very clear about.My thing is to be sure to put me first and take care of my purpose in a certain way for me because no one else is going to do it for me and I am not going to let someone else reap my benefits…… Thank you all so much for being on the same team with me and on the same playing field so we can all come together and rejoice in each other’s victories. I have no other people in my life that understand me and my purpose but you ladies.I am counting on each one of you to hold hands with me as we cross the finish line together.I am exceeding grateful for the treasures I have found in you. Love, love, love, all of you. Michelle |
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Thank you so much for that reminder …… sometimes we slip back into thinking that what we see is what is. Thank you God.. Thank you that I AM WEALTHY. ….I AM ABUNDANT I AM PROSPEROUS!! Kareece |